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Archive for the ‘quotes’ Category


May 16, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

Cameron: Why does he hate seeing
his parents? So his dad  tells the truth, he can’t handle that?

Wilson: He hates being a

Cameron: He’s a doctor, world
famous! How disappointed can  they be?

Wilson: You know what I figure is
worse than watching your  son become crippled? Watching him be miserable.

HOUSE – Episodio: Daddy’s Boy


watching our lives

May 2, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

Elliot: JD, I really don’t wanna do this. Can’t we just go home, and put on our PJs and watch "Grey’s Anatomy"?
JD: Oh, I do love that show. It’s like they’ve been watching our lives and just… put it on TV.

Scrubs – My Buddy`s Booty

Hay muchas series de forenses

Apr 26, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

There are too many forensic shows on TV.

Grissom de CSI. Episodio: I Like to Watch

Lorelai Gilmore

Apr 23, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

Looking at the TV Ah, ‘Full House.’ You know, I think the Olsen twins actually weigh less now than they did on their show."

Lorelai Gilmore en Gilmore Girls: Bridesmaids Revisited


Apr 11, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

Oh my love
It’s a long way we’ve come
From the freckled hills
To the steel and glass canyons

The Hands That Built America – U2

Blow Amnistia

Apr 5, 2006 Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: quotes

You can blow out a candle but you can never blow out a fire

Once the flames begin to catch the wind will blow higher

Peter Gabriel – Biko

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