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La cantante irlandesa Sinead O’Connor anuncio que cancelara todas sus presentaciones de este año debido a problemas de salud.
Esto debido a una recaida de su desorden bipolar ocurrida entre diciembre y marzo. Su doctor le habia aconsejado no salir de gira pero ella ignoro esto pensando que era mas fuerte.
A continuación el comunicado:
With enormous regret I must announce that I have to cancel all touring for the year as am very unwell due to bi polar disorder.
As you all know I had a very serious breakdown between December and March and I had been advised by my doctor not to go on tour but didn’t want to ‘fail’ or let anyone down as the tour was already booked to coincide with album release. So very stupidly I ignored his advice to my great detriment, attempting to be stronger than I actually am.
I apologise sincerely for any difficulties this may cause.
Tags: sinead oconnor